Receive, nurture
With the goal of restoring the Sarus crane population at Tram Chim through a process of breeding, reproduction, and release into the wild at Tram Chim National Park and surrounding areas:
Phase 1: 2022 – 2028
- Receive 30 six-month-old Sarus cranes from Thailand for care and release into the natural environment.
- Park staff and provincial specialists will receive professional training in Thailand.
- Promote reproduction through pair bonding, flock separation, and communal captive breeding.
- Release healthy individuals into the wild, ensuring their safe survival in the natural environment.
- Monitor the adaptation of cranes living inside and outside the Park.
- Experts from Thailand and the International Crane Foundation will conduct intensive training for Tram Chim technical staff on care, breeding, and release into the wild.
- Collect necessary data on environmental conditions inside and outside the Park (where cranes inhabit).
Phase 2: 2029 – 2032
- Continue negotiations with Thailand to receive another 30 six-month-old Sarus cranes for care and release into the wild; with an expected reproduction of 40 crane chicks from the initial parent cranes.
- Thai experts and the International Crane Foundation will continue to provide intensive training for Tram Chim technical staff on care, artificial insemination breeding, egg preservation and hatching care, advanced disease vaccination guidance, crane pairing techniques (if cranes do not pair naturally), and release procedures.
- Continue monitoring the distribution of cranes living inside and outside the Park.
- Develop a crane distribution map.
- Finalize documents and data on the captive breeding, care, and release process for Sarus cranes.
- Produce a scientific report on the results of the captive breeding and release program at Tram Chim.
- Propose solutions to maintain the stability of the crane population at Tram Chim.
Breeding and Reproduction Process:
The breeding and reproduction process is defined by the following stages: preparing parent cranes ⇒ nest building and egg laying ⇒ egg incubation ⇒ chick care.
Source: Conservation and Development of Sarus Cranes at Tram Chim National Park, period 2022 - 2032